
Advances in perception for self-driving cars have accelerated in recent years due to the availability of large-scale datasets, typically collected at specific locations and under nice weather conditions. Yet, to achieve the high safety requirement, these perceptual systems must operate robustly under a wide variety of weather conditions including snow and rain.  In this paper, we present a Ithaca365, a new dataset to enable robust autonomous driving via a novel data collection process — data is repeatedly recorded along a 15 km route under diverse scenes (urban, highway, rural, campus), weather (snow, rain, sun), time (day/night), and traffic conditions (pedestrians, cyclists and cars). The dataset includes images and point clouds from four cameras and LiDAR sensors, along with high-precision GPS/INS to establish correspondence across routes. The dataset includes road and object annotations using amodal masks to capture partial occlusions and 2D/3D bounding boxes.  We demonstrate the uniqueness of this dataset by analyzing the performance of baselines in amodal segmentation of road and objects, depth estimation, and 3D object detection. The repeated routes open new research directions in object discovery, continual learning, and anomaly detection.

The Route

A 15 km loop consisting of varying road types and surrounding environments was selected. The route includes university campus, downtown, highway, urban, residential, and rural areas.

Driving was scheduled to capture data at different times of day, including night. Heavy snow situations were captured before and after roads were plowed. A key uniqueness of our dataset is that the same locations can be observed across different weather and time conditions.



The dataset includes 7000 frames across 40 collections that include amodal instance, road and lidar labels below.

Amodal Instance annotations

Amodal objects were labeled Scale AI rapid for six foreground object classes: car, bus, truck (includes cargo, fire truck, pickup, ambulance), pedestrians and bicyclist and motorcyclist. There are three main components in this labeling paradigm: first identifying the visible instances of objects, then inferring the occluded instance segmentation mask, and finally labeling the occlusion order for each object. The labeling is performed on the leftmost front facing camera view. We follow the same standard as KINS.

Amodal Road annotations

The route data was divided into 76 intervals. The point clouds were then projected into birds-eye-view (BEV) and the road was labeled using a polygon annotator. Once the road has been labeled in the BEV, which yields the 2D road boundary, the height of the road was determined by decomposing polygons into smaller 150 square meter polygons and fitting a plane to the points within the polygon boundary. The road points are projected to the image and a depth mask is created, obtaining the amodal label for the road.

3D Bounding Boxes 

Objects were labeled in the lidar pointclouds using Amazon Groung Truth plus service for  six object classes: car, bus, truck (includes cargo, fire truck, pickup, ambulance), pedestrians and bicyclist and motorcyclist.


Using Ithaca 365 Non-Commercially. We license Ithaca 365 data and documents to you for non-commercial use only. Under the terms of the CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 “non-commercial” means “not primarily intended for or directed towards commercial advantage or monetary compensation.”
Privacy:   We care about privacy. If you find yourself or personal belongings in this dataset and want them removed please contact us and we will immediately remove the respective data from our server.
To download the full 40 traversals, download (10TB) the following bash script and run:
wget -c http://en-ma-sdc.coecis.cornell.edu/web_data/download_ithaca365_full.sh
bash download_ithaca365_full.sh
40 traversals subsampled (only frames with 3D Bbox labels):
Tables and annotations (3D Bounding Box and Amodal Instance):
wget -c http://en-ma-sdc.coecis.cornell.edu/web_data/v2.2.tar.gz
Amodal Road:
More detailed documentation coming soon!